The room is filled with some sunlight passing through the blinds. Frank sits close to his desk near the window and draws, paints and illustrates his next great picture called Three.
A two meter squared room is his studio. It is there where he finds his inspiration. His illustrations and tools lie scattered around.
Lunar lives in Woodstock, where he works from home. He has been freelancing and exhibiting his artworks since 2013.
Lunar has worked on a project called White Curtains: Sea Point’s first colouring book for all ages. His flatmate, Valerie Geselev who lived in Sea Point, shared her experience with Lunar. Both of them worked at a bookshop at the time and would usually hang out on Geselev’s balcony to chill after work.
- Lunar fixes a picture on the wall for the third edition of the White Curtains group exhibition. PHOTO: Facebook
- Frank Lunar sits and draws at the Sea Point Freedom Station during the creation of White Curtains. PHOTO: Facebook
Geselev was only allowed to hang white curtains in their flat. “The reason for this was, when someone walks by the window of the flats, they are only supposed to see white curtains as the colour speaks of uniformity and neatness,” says Lunar.
Lunar and Geselev put their heads together and saw this decision as a positive metaphor. “We wanted people to engage with this and by creating White Curtains, people would be allowed to colour their world the way they wish.”
Lunar was exposed to Emergent Art Space through his friend Caitlin Mkhasibe. “I have been there for a month and have been exposed to other young artists too,” says Lunar.
The founder of Emergent Art Space, Victoria Ayala, hosts Lunar and other young artists in the world. Emergent Art Space is a website and platform for all artists to come together through their art.
Lunar describes his relationship with art as a dynamic that “makes [him] happy”.
“I enjoy it. I can’t remember the first time I picked up the pen but I knew when I picked it up, it would make me happy.”
“Since graduating from Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), the vibe doesn’t compare to now. I’ve studied graphic design at the Bellville campus and at the time I was not conscious of things, I just wanted to graduate and get out,” says Lunar. Today he is a full-time freelancer.
Lunar is busy with a series called Sulfur, consisting of five pictures. He has created illustrations of different kinds of pictures using a colour technique he paints electronically. He presents different messages in these drawings.
“I can narrate a story and a concept in a creative way, something that’s part of art, my art,” says Lunar.
The different paintings he created are called The 4 horsemen, Three (his latest one), She lives and The old sun. The fifth picture hasn’t been released yet. Lunar will continue until he knows what he needs to create for a new painting.
- An illustration entitled The old sun depicting skulls and birds in a desert. PHOTO: Facebook
- An illustration entitled Three by Frank Lunar. PHOTO: Facebook
- An illustration entitled The 4 horsemen depicting the tentacles of an octopus covered in mask-like clothing. PHOTO: Facebook
- An illustration entitled She lives depicting a woman being tied up in the sun with ropes. PHOTO: Facebook
“I would like to publish a book from this series and continue drawing Sulfur pictures until I can see the final product. This will take some time to create but I am patient about the process,” says Lunar.
Lunar was exposed to Salesians Life Choices project through his friend Geselev as well. This project focuses on young people in Cape Town.
Lunar believes in being independent. Being independent comes with a responsibility that you need to understand in your own circumstances. This is also what Lunar depicts in his pictures.
He says it becomes difficult for artists to stay innocent and be in control of their art. That is one thing that belongs to them as an artist. “If someone tries to take that away, that would mean that your art is being redefined and that should not happen,” says Lunar.
“Artist should try very hard to work for themselves and not a boss. You should do your own work, create your own message that you yourself understand and would like to carry over to people,” expresses Lunar.
Lunar continues to make art his way by using his words. His art is depicted through everyday images, through things that define people, which he meshes together. He continues to inspire young people by working with them at his local library, teaching them how to draw and nurturing their interpretation of bringing across their own message.
Lunar is part of a band called Morning Pages that is very close to his heart and is a big part of why he does art. Lunar says: “To me, Morning Pages is an experimental ensemble, exploring narratives and emotions through music, imagery and videography. It opens up a whole new method of perception and communication I otherwise felt I could only achieve through visual art.”