MFM gives back to community Community radio station MFM held its bi-annual Winter Warm-up soup kitchen on Saturday morning. The Winter Warm-up outreach began early...
SRC budget still not released Stellenbosch University’s Student Representative Council (SRC) has not yet released its budget for 2017. This is despite the SRC...
Jazz evening brings people together in Stellenbosch The Gallery of the University of Stellenbosch’s experimental jazz evening drew in a larger crowd than expected, with roughly...
Neo-Nazi poster turmoil at Rooiplein mass meeting Chaos erupted on the Rooiplein at the University of Stellenbosch over lunchtime on 11 May. A mass meeting was...
Alleged Nazi poster spokesperson silenced at Stellenbosch University One of the people allegedly responsible for plastering Nazi-inspired posters around Stellenbosch University Campus was stopped from talking...
Does being stuck in a locked room for an hour trying to find your way out sound like your idea of adventure? Then head to the adventure game phenomenon Clue Room at Tyger Valley Centre before the 25th of June to...
Stampvol en warm, maar die 16de SA Kaasfees was ’n reuse-sukses Die SA Kaasfees, wat vanjaar sy 16de bestaansjaar gevier het, was weereens ’n reuse sukses met Saterdag en Sondag...
SU Journalism department launches newspaper at Press Freedom Day Discussion For the first time since its founding 39 years ago, Stellenbosch University’s Journalism Department has published the annual LIP...
Art students showcase their work in Crumbs exhibition A group exhibition, Crumbs, has opened at the Stellenbosch GUS gallery. It features the work of five final-year Stellenbosch...
First Capetonian wins Two Oceans Ultra Marathon since 1973 A Capetonian has won the Old Mutual Two Oceans Ultra Marathon for the first time in more than four...