Spur stop burger-aanbod op Maandae Stellenbosch-inwoners is verbaas oor die nuus dat Spur se burger-aanbod op Maandae, waar kliënte twee burgers vir die prys...
Om graad te kry, kós! Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch spog met ʼn rekordgetal van 8339 grade vir 2016. Dié grade verwerf kos egter nie...
Woordfees screens Black Lives Matter Initially this article was meant to be a review of a Woordfees event; the screening of a documentary called...
Belgian conductor brings nostalgia to Woordfees Every year The US Woordfees attracts performers and visitors from all around the world. Joining the list of international...
Stellenbosch student is the first to receive a doctorate for biltong-making research Maxine Jones (27) from Cape Town received a unique honour this week by becoming the first person to graduate...
How to get tested for HIV The stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS is severe in South Africa. In order to counter the effects of this negative stigma,...
Loki en Laurika herskep klassieke treffers Laurika Rauch en Loki Rothman het Saterdagaand, 11 Maart, by die uitverkoopte Spier Amfiteater die gehoor beïndruk met nuutverwerkte...
Arno Carstens se optrede kry staande toejuiging Arno Carstens het ‘n staande toejuiging gekry ná sy Woordfees-vertoning. Hy het Dinsdagaand, 7 Maart, sy vertoning by Woordfees...
Van Coke verras studente tydens middagete Francois van Coke en lede van sy band, Die Gevaar, het Woensdag tydens middagete ‘n verrassingsoptrede voor die US-konservatorium...
aKING entertains at Woordfees 2017 despite technical difficulties Local band aKING pulled off a crowd-pleasing performance on Friday night, despite the performance being marred by technical difficulties....