A disciplinary hearing has been called against the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) at Stellenbosch University (SU) for alleged disruptive behaviour during a student parliament meeting, according to societies council chairperson, Thandile Ngxikiwe.
“He disregarded the image of the structure [of student parliament], those are grounds for his disciplinary hearing,” said Ngxikiwe.

The recent student parliament meeting, where EFFSC president Bukhobenkosi Matyumza was escorted out by Campus Security, was held at the Arts and Social Sciences Building at Stellenbosch University. PHOTO: Iva Fulepu
EFFSC president Bukhobenkosi Matyumza claims that he was physically assaulted by campus security and that the South African Police Service (SAPS) were called on him when he spoke up for students during a student parliament session held at the Arts and Social Sciences building on 7 March.
SU spokesperson, Martin Viljoen confirmed that Campus Security and SAPS were called to resolve the matter, and that Matyumza displayed aggressive behaviour towards both.
“As his identity and thus his status as student was not confirmed at that time, the SAPS was requested to assist,” stated Vijoen.
Since no formal complaint was made after the incident, Campus Security will not follow up on the matter, Vijoen told SMF News.
Voted out of the building by fellow students
According to Ngxikiwe, Matyumza kept on interrupting the student parliament speakers. Ngxikiwe raised the motion to have Matyumza removed and the majority of students voted that he be escorted out.
“I simply raised a motion, asking the SRC to sit in front so students can see who they are, because student parliament is where students can hold the SRC accountable,” Matymza claimed. “They manhandled me. I feel violated and humiliated […] They broke my contract cell phone and tore my jeans,” he further claimed.

Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) president at Stellenbosch University, Bukhobenkosi Matyumza, claims his jeans were torn when Stellenbosch University Campus Security removed him from the Arts and Social Sciences Building. PHOTO: Iva Fulepu
While Matyumza admitted that he had consumed alcohol prior to the incident taking place, he denied being disruptive.

A picture of Stellenbosch University EFFSC president Bukhobenkosi Matyumza’s contract cell phone, which he claims was broken by Campus security while they were dragging him out of student parliament. PHOTO: Iva Fulepu
‘The level of disrespect called for such actions’
The agenda for the specific session of student parliament was to report to students about how the university is handling NSFAS allowances, said Ngxikiwe.
“Student parliament is not the place to only and solely hold the SRC accountable. The agenda was not to hold anyone accountable, it rather was to report to students about how the university is handling NSFAS allowances,” Ngxikiwe stated.
“Other black [children] had to call security on another black child […] The level of disrespect called for such actions,” she said.
The deputy speaker of student parliament declined to comment.
Stellenbosch SAPS confirmed that no case has been opened about the matter.