Local business helps hundreds through charitable initiative

A Stellenbosch business recently distributed clothing and food to homeless individuals in town after seeing how recent bad weather has affected the homeless community. The charitable initiative, held on 22 July at Die Visfabriek on Merriman Avenue, assisted around 290 people.

Douglas Duartee (left) and Nikita van Breada (right) handed over a R15 00 donation to Denise Paulse (middle) of the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. In addition to giving the Stellenbosch Night Shelter a R15 000 donation, Die Visfabriek are selling Give Responsible Coupons, which recipients can use to gain access to the shelter and its services. This is according to Denise Paulse, manager and social worker at the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. PHOTO: Douglas Duartee

This is according to Douglas Duartee, manager of Die Visfabriek, who was inspired to give back to the community after seeing people seek refuge from the weather outside the store, he said.

“It’s [a] difficult time now. There are people that haven’t got work […] and we just felt to give back to the community.”

The initiative was aided by Stellenbosch Municipality and the South African Police Service (SAPS).

Stellenbosch Night Shelter gets much needed boost

Around 290 people benefitted from clothing and food donations made by Visfabriek on 22 July, according to Visfabriek manager, Douglas Duartee. PHOTO: Nic Gleeson

The business donated R15 000, along with additional food, to the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. The donated funds will be used for food, operational costs, and assisting persons with admission to the shelter, according to Denise Paulse, manager and social worker at the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. 

“We are very grateful for the donation and support of the Stellenbosch community and businesses […] who reached out to the shelter,” said Paulse. 

Die Visfabriek also sells Giver Responsible Coupons that give homeless persons access to the shelter and its services, said Paulse. 

All hands on deck

Die Visfabriek, a business on Merriman Ave, organised a charitable initiative on 22 July, where they handed out clothing and food to the less fortunate in Stellenbosch. PHOTO: Nic Gleeson

Both local law enforcement and Stellenbosch SAPS aided the initiative on 22 July, said Duartee. 

Stellenbosch SAPS often partners with local businesses and the wider community, according to Captain Natalie Martin of Stellenbosch SAPS. 

“We are still busy collecting between the Visfabriek group […] We are all putting hands together to see what we can still do for [the homeless community],” said Duartee.

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