Organisations such as UTurn, an organisation equipping people to overcome homelessness, could create a space for skills development during the day, while the Stellenbosch Night Shelter provides services at night, said Jasmine Jacob, independent researcher and systems thinking consultant volunteering with the Stellenbosch Homelessness Forum (SHF). Members of SHF are appealing for space in Stellenbosch Central to partner with organisations like UTurn to expand the facilities available to the homeless, she said. PHOTOS: Jess Holing
Members of a local forum, established to address issues around homelessness in Stellenbosch have appealed to the Stellenbosch community to work together to improve available services for homeless people.
This was according to Jasmine Jacob, independent researcher and systems thinking consultant volunteering with the Stellenbosch Homelessness Forum (SHF).
The Stellenbosch Night Shelter is the only organisation that has a mandate to work with the homeless community within Stellenbosch, said Denise Paulse, manager and social worker at the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. However, there are only 75 bed spaces at the shelter, so there is a limited capacity, said Paulse.
Members of SHF aim to create a platform that activates various parts of the greater Stellenbosch community to contribute to creating homelessness solutions, said Jacob.

Homelessness is a complex issue that can’t be approached with just a simple solution, said Jasmine Jacob, independent researcher and systems thinking consultant volunteering with the Stellenbosch Homelessness Forum (SHF). Members of SHF aim to create a platform that activates various parts of the greater Stellenbosch community to contribute to creating homelessness solutions. PHOTOS: Jess Holing
A collaborative effort
The forum emerged in August 2022 after a public discussion around homelessness attended by experts, business people, churches and community members, she said.
If SHF is given space, there will be more room for opportunities in addition to what the Stellenbosch Night Shelter is offering, said Merin Jacob, research and awareness task team member for SHF.
SHF members are appealing for space in Stellenbosch Central to house organisations such as UTurn to extend their services to Stellenbosch, explained Merin.
UTurn is an organisation that equips people to overcome homelessness in Cape Town and Johannesburg, according to their website. It is willing to render services in Stellenbosch but the space required has not become available, Merin said.
“We need students to participate in [the monthly] Stellenbosch Homelessness Forum (SHF) meetings,” said Jasmine Jacob, independent researcher and systems thinking consultant volunteering with SHF. Although SHF is a young forum, it is slowly getting more attention and increasing the understanding of homelessness in Stellenbosch, she said. Members of SHF aim to create a platform that activates various parts of the greater Stellenbosch community to contribute to creating homelessness solutions. PHOTOS: Supplied/Nanine Steenkamp
A forum for change
“There isn’t just one reason why people are on the streets,” said Joha Davids, a resident at the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. Homelessness can be caused by addiction, circumstance and strained relationships, among other things, explained Davids.
Members of the Give Responsibly campaign aim to inform students to buy coupons that can be exchanged for access to the night shelter instead of giving homeless people cash, said Paulse. The campaign “is one of the biggest projects in Stellenbosch”, according to Paulse.
“If we cannot assist we refer them to other shelters or [similar establishments] in the city,” said Paulse.