Municipality embarks on R3 million sewage upgrade in Dorp Street

Stellenbosch Municipality recently started a R3 million upgrade of the bulk sewage line in Dorp Street between the R44 and Weidenhof Street.

This is according to municipal notice 93/2022, which was released by Stellenbosch Municipality’s Infrastructure Services on 22 July. 

The municipality enforced a road closure in Dorp Street for the project, which commenced on 26 July and is expected to last until 22 August, according to Christoff Nieman, a terrain agent for Martin and East, a civil engineering and construction company. The upgrade to the sewage line is predicted to conclude mid-September, he added.


Stellenbosch Municipality closed Dorp Street on 26 July between the R44 and Weidenhof Street to start upgrading the bulk sewer line, according to municipal notice 93/2022 released by Stellenbosch Municipality’s Infrastructure Services on 22 July. PHOTO: Kara Olivier

 A small town with city problems

Stellenbosch Municipality contracted Martin and East to complete the upgrade because the sewage line is reaching its carrying capacity, said Nieman. 

This is due to new residential developments in the area placing additional pressure on the sewage line, said Lukuzo Malova, a construction crew leader for Martin and East.

Stellenbosch Municipality recently embarked on an upgrade project to the bulk sewer line in Dorp Street, because the line is reaching its carrying capacity, said Christoff Nieman, a terrain agent for Martin and East, a civil engineering and construction company. PHOTO: Kara Olivier

“If nothing was done to increase the capacity of the line, sewage water would start pushing up through the manholes,” said Nieman. This would not only cause infrastructural issues but could also impact residents’ health in the long run, he stated.

 Preparing for the inevitable

The project involves installing a new overflow line from the Dorp Street line to the sewage line in Weidenhof Street that is yet to reach its full capacity, according to Malova. Once installed, the new line would serve as an “immediate solution should the Dorp Street line experience a bottleneck”, explained Nieman. 

This project lays the basis for future road upgrades to Dorp Street, according to Nieman. When completing a project of this size, it is important to consider future infrastructure projects, he explained. 

“Before starting the project, we did not know what we would find under the ground but luckily it is going much quicker than anticipated,” said Christoff Nieman, a terrain agent for Martin and East, a civil engineering and construction company. Stellenbosch Municipality contracted Martin and East, a civil engineering and construction company, to upgrade the bulk municipal sewer line in Dorp Street. PHOTO: Kara Olivier

 Working in the winelands

The construction work is taking place in close proximity to one of Stellenbosch’s vineyards and, therefore, the vineyard’s fence had to be temporarily removed after liaising with the property’s owners, said Nieman. 

Although the project is necessary, “it’s affecting everyone in town, not just us”, said Olivia George, manager at Yaya Cafe on Dorp Street, Stellenbosch. She explained that the recent road closures due to the upgrading of the bulk sewer line in Dorp Street has impacted their business and clients. PHOTO: Kara Olivier

“It’s affecting everyone in town, not just us,” said Olivia George, manager at Ya-Ya Cafe on Dorp Street. Although the upgrades are necessary, the resulting road closure means that their patrons struggle to find parking and are often late for their reservations, she explained. 

Belinda de Wet, owner of Skin Care Studio, also located on Dorp Street, told MatieMedia that she is yet to receive any notice of the road closure. 

According to George, Ya-Ya Cafe received municipal notice 93/2022 one day before the closure. 


“If we build a manhole now, it is important that we don’t realise in three years’ time that it needs to be moved again to accommodate new road infrastructure,” said Christoff Nieman, a terrain agent for Martin and East, a civil engineering and construction company. Stellenbosch Municipality contracted the company to upgrade the municipal bulk sewer line in Dorp Street. PHOTO: Kara Olivier

MatieMedia contacted Stellenbosch Municipality for comment but did not receive a response by the time of publication. 
