New type of storytelling at Woordfees – this time through African dance

Indoni Dance, Arts & Leadership Academy aimed to help people understand African culture and tell a story in a way in which language fails to do, said Sbonakaliso Ndaba, choreographer of Indoni Dance academy, on 11 March at the Toyota US Woordfees.

Earlier this year, Saartjie Botha, director of  Toyota US Woordfees, told the MatieMedia editorial team that the Woordfees coordinators aimed to create a more diverse programme for the festival’s attendees. Adding dance was one way of diversifying the festival’s programme.

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Indoni Dance, Arts & Leadership Academy on stage during their performance. PHOTO: Isaac Ndlovu.


“We are trying to bring in various shows that will accomodate different demographics and people,” Botha told the MatieMedia editorial team. 

The nature of Indoni Dance, Arts & Leadership Academy performances did not require spoken language and so accommodated all audience members who spoke various languages, including foreigners. It was the first year that this group performed at the Toyota US Woordfees.

“The most important thing we should do in this world is to embrace each other, know that we are humans, not black and white. Let’s just be brothers and sisters,” said Sbonakaliso Ndaba, choreographer of the dance academy.

According to Ndaba, it was not only important for audience members to emotionally connect with the dance moves, but also to interpret the dance in a way which speaks to them. The dance, which included high risk jumps and dance movements, was well received by audience members, Ndaba said.

Although the dance academy’s first performance at Woordfees only attracted a small audience, it increased thereafter with the last show receiving the biggest turnout, according to Ndaba.

“I’m certain we’ll be coming back in the future. Hopefully next year!” said Ndaba.

“I enjoyed it, but I cross my fingers and hope everyone [the dancers] are well after all those stunts. I really loved and enjoyed it. It was a very nice experience,” said Lutz Mauk, a German tourist who attended the show.