Franschhoek-plaas in sakeredding: Werkers en inwoners sonder basiese dienste Die lewe op Solms-Delta, ’n wynlandgoed in Franschhoek, het ’n wending geneem toe inwoners en werkers op die plaas...
Covid-19 in die klaskamer: Die pandemie se impak op onderwys Ná meer as ’n jaar van ontwrigting, ondergaan die Suid-Afrikaanse staatskolestelsel steeds voortdurende aanpassings om soveel leerders as moontlik...
Protesters deliver memorandum after alleged sexual assault at Stellenbosch Hospital Trigger warning: This article contains details of an alleged sexual assault and mentions of suicide. Protesters recently gathered outside...
“Oil rather than cream” Motorcycling is a niche and evolving form of transport. Since its conception, the two-wheeled motorised vehicle has become more...
A first for SU: Career resources now available in isiXhosa Prospective students are now able to access resource material and career information in isiXhosa, after Stellenbosch University (SU) recently...
Special vote enables greater participation in local elections The special vote system, which is available for South African citizens who are disabled, homebound or unable to travel,...
SU investigates the possibility of mandatory vaccinations Stellenbosch University (SU) has assembled a task team to investigate the possibility of making vaccinations mandatory across the university’s...
The carefree childhood: Another casualty of Covid-19 What was once idealised as the stage of carefree play, grubby cuddles and rough-housing has transformed into a stage...
Learning to teach The practical placements of Stellenbosch University education students into schools surrounding the area is a key component of the...
SU LaunchLab showcases African innovation A company that creates prosthetics from recycled waste and a business that makes shoes from recycled plastic are among...