An unexpected gift: The story behind Halli Trust In 2008, Heidi Naude was working for a toy shop. Her time with the toy store had exposed her...
Crystal Birch: The Mad Creative Hatter Back in the day a hat was something old-school kerktannies wouldn’t dare to leave the house without. The art...
Stellenbosch dalk eersdaags Unesco-wêrelderfenisdorp van letterkunde Sou Stellenbosch as ’n Afrikaanse dorp van letterkunde verklaar word, sal dit tot die voordeel van die dorp, asook...
One man’s trash, another man’s treasure: Meet eco-conscious entrepreneur, Jasper Eales From sculptures made from scraps, to running the company that transforms waste into fashionable functionality. Llandudno-based entrepreneur, Jasper Eales’s...
Senior community care worker ‘loves to give’ Within Kayamandi, one of the many townships in the Cape Winelands, Nomajama Jikela devotes herself to uplifting her local...
So Groen soos Dave: 71 jaar tussen die plante Dit is 17 jaar sedert Dave Pepler bekendheid verwerf het as die eko-oom op Groen. Hy het met MatieMedia...
Justice Edwin Cameron: A life dedicated to liberation As a judge of 25 years, and an out-and-proud gay man living with HIV, Justice Edwin Cameron knows stigma....
Entrepreneurial hub in central Stellenbosch develops local businesses An entrepreneurial development hub aimed at creating a space in which local businesses can operate and grow was recently...
The master of the bronze menagerie There are many ways to tell a story. Some use the written or spoken word, while others rely on...
US-alumni vind haar stem op die verhoog Melissa Myburgh kon skaars praat, toe wou sy reeds ’n aktrise word en stories vertel. Dié voormalige dramastudent het...