Ronelda Kamfer gesels oor ’n ander taal in ’n ‘accidental space’ Die skrywer Ronelda Kamfer het grootgeword in ’n kultuur van stories – stories wat spreek tot haar eie lewenservaringe,...
A boxing education Not many understand combat sports. From the outside, the gruelling process of training to fight another as a profession...
Die Juli agter Julipoeli gesels oor die uitdagings van Instagram-sukses Juli Vercuiel is ’n 21-jarige sosiale media-sensasie, gekwalifiseerde persoonlike afrigter en tweedejaar bedryfsielkundestudent aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US). Sy...
The man who guarded over Nelson Mandela The long walk to freedom of Nelson Mandela was an incredibly strenuous one. He made it through with his...
Toe fade it: Your unconventional neighbourhood barber Becoming a barber was initially not part of Toufique Behardien’s plan. But Toufique, also known as Toe fade it,...
For the love of leather In 2016, Madri Scherman, started making leather clutches as a hobby while she was studying at Stellenbosch University. It...
Local animal welfare society raises funds for outreach clinics A local animal welfare society is hoping to fund additional community outreach clinics over the next six months as...
Hunting the wild mushrooms of Stellenbosch In the rainy months of winter, the forests of Stellenbosch are filled with many combinations of light and texture....
Local initiative helps organisations that feed those in need A local charity organisation is currently donating jars of dried soup ingredients to assist several local organisations that help...
Local initiative helps local residents ‘treasure’ nature A local couple is inspiring people in Helderberg and Stellenbosch to embrace adventure by hosting treasure hunts in different...