Hoërskool Stellenbosch gaan groen met sonpanele Hoërskool Stellenbosch (HSS) het onlangs die installasie van sonpanele op die dakke van die skoolgebou en die skool se...
Betogers oorhandig memorandum oor taalbeleid aan US ʼn Groep betogers het op 9 April ʼn memorandum aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) oorhandig waarin hulle hul besware...
Local football team prepares for new competition format The Stellenbosch Football Club (FC) reserve team is going to participate in the newly formatted DSTV Diski Challenge. Stellenbosch...
Protesters march to deliver memorandum on SU language policy A group of protesters presented a memorandum to Stellenbosch University (SU) stating their concerns with the revised SU language...
US-studente help om beweerde aanrander aan te keer Twee studente aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het onlangs gehelp om ʼn beweerde aanrander aan te keer na ʼn...
Local basketball players recruited to play for a Texan Team Two Paarl-based basketball players have been recruited to play for a basketball team in Texas in the United States...
Opwipvertonings in onkonvensionele ruimtes wag vir Stellenbosch Die Toyota US Woordfees-program (Woordfees) bied vanjaar, vanaf 6 tot 11 April, ʼn nuwe toevoeging tot die program aan...
Plaaslike inisiatief voorsien sanitêre produkte aan behoeftige leerders ʼn Plaaslike nie-regeringsorganisasie (NRO) het sanitêre produkte verskaf aan ongeveer 300 behoeftige leerders by Hoërskool Kayamandi. Die sanitêre produkte...
Local initiative provides sanitary products for needy learners A local non-governmental organisation (NGO) provided sanitary products for around 300 learners in need at Kayamandi High School. The...
Local initiative strives to reduce school dropout rates A local non-profit organisation (NPO) is running an at-home learning project for school children in vulnerable and rural communities....