Who is watching the whales? The South African tourism industry took a big knock this year. When intraprovincial travel was announced, Hermanus hoped to...
No party on the dance floor A number of local nightclubs have recorded a steady decline in their usual club patron numbers, since clubs are...
In 360°: Uncovering a hidden gem The garden consists of Lewis’ sculptures placed thoughtfully throughout the open fields. PHOTOS: Wilné van Rooyen Located between the...
Studentepublikasie wil toekomstige leiers inspireer ʼn Studentegedrewe inisiatief aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) sal binnekort hul eerste publikasie bekendstel met die doel om bewustheid...
Top awards for Stellenbosch wine estate, Kleine Zalze Michael Fridjohn, chairman of the Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show, visited Kleine Zalze last week to present the awards....
IN PICTURES: Local restaurants go wild for seasonal ingredients Attentive Stellenbosch residents may often spot individuals in white double-breasted jackets rummaging in the greenery around town, wielding a...
Autistic children in a masked world Autistic children often function within their own reality. They might struggle to fully grasp the concept of abstract ideas,...
Bank your buck: seven days a week The town of Stellenbosch is renowned for the variety of food and drinks specials on offer. MatieMedia has compiled...
Fearlessly overcoming adversities Raised in various townships in KwaZulu-Natal, Nondumiso Phenyane managed to pursue her passions, dreams and happiness, despite the life-changing...
Lockdown haircuts: The lunacy, explained Why did locked-down South Africans worry so much about their hair in the early days of what has been...