Nuwe webtuiste lig vuiste teen geslagsgebaseerde geweld Die nie-winsgewende organisasie, Safe Space, het ’n webtuiste van stapel gestuur om minderheidsgroepe te waarsku oor geografiese gebiede waar...
Combining activism and pageantry in Kayamandi A Stellenbosch University (SU) student hosted Kayamandi’s first activism-based beauty pageant earlier this month. Abongile Quthu, also known as...
A look through Tony’s Lenz Tony Maake, is the man behind Tony’s Houz (TH) Children’s Foundation, a local NGO and photography business Tony’s Lenz....
Oudste winkel op Stellenbosch toets die waters met opwipwinkel Die oudste winkel op Stellenbosch het hulle eerste opwipwinkel van stapel gestuur met die hoop om meer voete na...
Studente leer selfverdediging aanlyn Die Studenteraad van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se veiligheidsportefeulje bied vanjaar vir die eerste keer die geleentheid aan studente...
Maties Gym reopens strong after R10 million lockdown loss After an approximated loss in revenue of R10 million over the lockdown period, the Maties Gym in Stellenbosch reopened...
SU PhD student not clowning around A Stellenbosch University (SU) almuna, from SU’s Drama Department, is using her expertise in the theatre and in the...
Paid parking returns to Stellenbosch Car owners will once again pay for parking in the central Stellenbosch area. This comes as paid parking services...
Grant equips SU with better tools against TB fight Stellenbosch University (SU) was recently awarded a R128 million grant by the US National Institutes of Health to investigate...
SU student bags two national awards within a week A master’s student in Environmental Management at Stellenbosch University recently received prestigious national recognition for her work in this...