Endgame: The Pinnacle of Absurd Theatre at Woordfees 2019 Endgame, a Baxter Theatre production, perfectly captures absurdity in an ingenious and often perplexing play. The play, originally written...
Wat beteken dit om bruin te wees, vra Woordfees-produksie Hierdie toneelstuk gaan oor vier jong bruin studente wat ’n woonstel deel op Stellenbosch. Die woonstel het jare gelede...
Woordfees 2019: The 27 Club – an electric tribute to rock ‘n roll music legends In a mesmerising performance, musician and vocal teacher at both Bishops and Rondebosch Colleges, Vasti Knoesen and her four-piece...
Koek en tert by die Woordfees – wat beteken dit nou eintlik? Koek en tert, ’n toneelstuk wat deur dramastudente geskryf is, se regie is ook deur die studente behartig en...
Ton Vosloo deel sy raad vir vernuwing in joernalistiek “Jy moet vorentoe beweeg in die lewe”. Dit, volgens Ton Vosloo, is die motto wat nie net hom persoonlik...
Ton Vosloo announces new public benefit company at SU talk The renowned journalist and prominent South African media figure Ton Vosloo announced the launch of a new public benefit...
Student protest against shuttle fee sees success After nearly three weeks of deliberation between the management of Stellenbosch University (SU) and student leaders, the implementation of...
Spermskenking: Jou gamete is goud werd Alhoewel heelwat studente hulle swemmers in sakgeld omsit, bly spermskenking ’n relatiewe ongewilde aktiwiteit. Manlike studente is nie altyd...
Die jongste Woordfees vier sy twintigste verjaarsdag Twintig jaar gelede het die Woordfees begin as ʼn “nag van passie”. Vandag strek die fees oor verskeie kunsgenres...
Vintage store gives second chances In a world full of misfortune Sulinda Muller believes in giving second chances, not only to vintage clothing, but...