Ton Vosloo announces new public benefit company at SU talk The renowned journalist and prominent South African media figure Ton Vosloo announced the launch of a new public benefit...
Student protest against shuttle fee sees success After nearly three weeks of deliberation between the management of Stellenbosch University (SU) and student leaders, the implementation of...
Spermskenking: Jou gamete is goud werd Alhoewel heelwat studente hulle swemmers in sakgeld omsit, bly spermskenking ’n relatiewe ongewilde aktiwiteit. Manlike studente is nie altyd...
Die jongste Woordfees vier sy twintigste verjaarsdag Twintig jaar gelede het die Woordfees begin as ʼn “nag van passie”. Vandag strek die fees oor verskeie kunsgenres...
Vintage store gives second chances In a world full of misfortune Sulinda Muller believes in giving second chances, not only to vintage clothing, but...
No load shedding for Woordfees Eskom predicts that no load shedding will occur during Woordfees but contingencies are in place should it happen. “We...
Madonsela: “Sosiale geregtigheid behels nie net gelykheid nie” “Ons moet almal saamwerk om te verseker dat ons sosiale geregtigheid in ons samelewing kan verseker,” was die boodskap...
Gee Kontras die pas aan vir alternatiewe Afrikaanse musiek? Kontras is ’n nuwe Afrikaanse band wat onlangs hul eerste optrede by Aandklas gehad het. Hulle is alternatief, so...
20 things you have to do before you graduate from Stellies No student comes to university for only a degree. In order to ensure a well-rounded university experience, below is...
#WomenInScience: Stellenbosch University’s leading female innovators “Better the balance, better the world” – this is the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day (8th March),...