REVIEW: Rumble in the Winelands – A comparison between Bar Baric and Balboa Going out for a drink in Stellenbosch can be slightly difficult if you aren’t a student, or maybe you...
Ses ongewone wenke vir ingenieurs om toetsweek te oorleef Met die Ingenieursfakulteit se toetsweek minder as 48 uur weg, voel mens die figuurlike skadu’s van ’n spanningswolk in...
Stellenbosch Academy boasts only winner from Africa at Adobe Awards Alena Gelen (28), from the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography (SADP), was the only student from the continent...
No applications for Speaker of Student Parliament Nineteen days since the nominations for the position of Speaker of Student Parliament 2018/2019 have opened, not a single...
Wimbledon Cluster Conveners set to attract more participation in clusters The newly appointed Wimbledon Cluster Conveners, who were announced last week, have promised to spark a greater interest in...
Let it snow! Hundreds travel to Matroosberg for a frosty weekend Boland residents might have felt an extra chill in the air this past weekend, as the Matroosberg region was...
Maties Hockey just one win away from securing League title Maties men’s hockey coach, Ashlin Freddy says his team is fully aware of the importance of the final two...
Jazz legend Nduduzo Makhathini delves into his creative process Legendary jazz pianist Nduduzo Makhathini took audience members on a journey into his creative world at a talk and...
UNASA week promotes giving back through community projects Student organisations mainly use their societies weeks for marketing purposes in order to increase their visibility on campus. However,...