For SU Choir music enhances emotion “It is wonderful when your performance has meant something to somebody. Music is enhanced emotion. I always hope that...
Stellenbosch gee Israel-Apartheidweek die koue skouer, meen pro-Palestyn studente Die jaarlikse Israel-Apartheid Week (IAW) het ontevredenheid van studente ontlok oor die afsydige houding wat glo in Stellenbosch heers...
SLUT Walk: ‘Not a moment, but a movement’ Check the words you are using, check how you are describing other people and check the way that you...
Cape Town Carnival: An array of colours, costumes and cultures What a show! It was an absolute culture overload. Cape Town really gave it her all tonight. It is...
US-studente neem gehore op reis na verlede met straatteater ’n Groep jong akteurs blaas vanjaar nuwe asem in die eeu-oue tradisie van straatteater by die US Woordfees. Met...
US-studente ryg Kanna-nominasies in Dramastudente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) het vanjaar naam gemaak by die Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees (KKNK) nadat...
ACE: A ‘beacon of hope’ for the Idas Valley community From a small church hall around the corner, one can hear the raucous laughter of vibrant youngsters and melodious...
Verlange na Die Vlakte Weggesteek tussen glansbladsye wat vingers asvaal laat onder sagte stof, pryk die gesigte van kinders by sportwedstryde, gesinne by...
A “QUEER”ious conversation hosted by LesBiGay society and Amnesty International Stellenbosch “There is a big difference between telling people what their rights are and actually making sure that the people...
In school and off the streets: Two decades of reaching out to youth You see them everywhere. At traffic lights, in parking lots, outside shopping malls. At the centre of things, where...