Stellenbosch (ful)filled after making hundreds more Toasties for Tummies than expected The Stellenbosch community filled 461 extra tummies after exceeding their target of making 10 000 sandwiches during the “Toasties...
Chalk Coffee Society: The friendship that brought coffee to Kayamandi A love for coffee and community inspired two friends to open the first coffee shop in Kayamandi. Arleen Stone...
Student sustains minor injuries after pedestrian accident The Stellenbosch University (SU) student who was accidentally hit by an oncoming vehicle last night sustained minor injuries. The...
From the Boland to…Florence? Local Zim artist hopes to reach the art capital in 2019 For Zimbabwean artist Zacharia Mukwira (49), to paint is to tell a story. “I transform words into a visual...
Next stop for SU Chamber Choir: Hungary Although the Stellenbosch University Chamber Choir (SUCC) is a fairly new project of the University’s Music Department, the choir...
8th Man Restaurant en Rugbymuseum: Meer as net ’n kroeg vir Welgevonden-inwoners Op ’n koue wintersoggend staan ’n klein restaurantjie naby Welgevonden-landgoed se deure reeds van vroeg af oop om rugby-aanhangers...
Vier Matie-Moorde wat die dorp geruk het: Inge Lotz Geen beskermende maatreëls het op 16 Maart 2005 ’n moordenaar uit Inge Lotz se woonstel net buite Stellenbosch gehou...
Teaterproduksie ‘Kansel’ deur na finale rondte van Première Toneelfees Die studenteproduksie Kansel sal Saterdagaand in die finaal meeding om die posisie as topproduksie by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Dramadepartement se...
Stellenbosch University Museum to open 100 artefacts for 100 years exhibition The “100 artefacts for a 100 years” exhibition that will be held at the Stellenbosch University Museum in October...
Oratile Pitjo – a man of many hats As a social media influencer with 20.3k followers on Instagram, photographer and Afro Dandy, the 23-year-old engineering student Oratile...