Bongani Sotshononda unites Africa Musically Bongani Sotshononda and the United Nations of Africa have travelled extensively around the world adding different influences to their...
How to test yourself for HIV, for free Your result is private, confidential and voluntary. With just a tiny drop of blood, the BioSURE HIV Self Test...
Resensie: Jong akteurs in ‘Vlerke vir almal’ skitter met eerlike spel Seer mense maak mense seer. Só meen Marion Erskine, skrywer van die jeugroman Vlerke vir almal wat vanjaar as...
Resensie: ‘Tabula Rasa’ ’n spieël teen stereotipes Geen mens word gebore as ’n rassis of homofoob nie, die samelewing maak jou só. Kondisionering maak jou só....
US-studente neem gehore op ’n reis na verlede met straatteater ’n Groep jong akteurs blaas vanjaar nuwe asem in die eeu-oue tradisie van straatteater by die US Woordfees. Met...
Karen Zoid kraai rock-koningin by amfiteater vertoning In ’n blou-beligte Spier Amfiteater sit US Woordfees-feesgangers angstig en wag vir die vrou van die aand om haar...
Sugar and Stress Science Café Research shows that a high sugar intake can lead to many problems in your body and mind. Dementia, cancer,...
REVIEW: Louis Viljoen’s new horror-comedy challenges audiences’ sensory experience Language: English Director and Screenwriter: Louis Viljoen Dates: 09 & 10 March 2018 Venue: H.B Thom Theatre Cost: R120-R140...
New water purification plant launched in Stellenbosch The Stellenbosch Municipality has launched a state-of-the-art water purification plant as part of its Drought Response Plan that will...
Genetiese manipulering van menslike embrios: ‘SciFi word ’n werklikheid’ “Wat nog altyd soos SciFi was, het nou ’n werklikheid geword.” Só meen Prof. Louise Warnich, dekaan van Wetenskap...