Review: Jimmy Nevis Rocks Woordfees Family Day Jimmy Nevis’ performance at the Woordfees Family Day concert was wildly popular. “We literally ran all the way from...
KDay lok duisende feesgangers na Kaapstad Die begin van Maartmaand gaan gewoonlik gepaard met seisoenale verandering in die Suidelike Halfrond, maar verskoon tog die Kapenaars...
How Youngsta and Early B set Woordfees on fire Fans at the Family Day concert were treated to charismatic and energetic performances from YoungstaCPT and Early B. “I...
SU to ‘commemorate, not celebrate last 100 years’ Stellenbosch university will not celebrate the last 100 years but will rather commemorate them, said SU Rector and Vice-Chancellor...
Jacques Pauw: ‘Nobody raided me during the apartheid years’ The President’s Keepers author Jacques Pauw participated in a discussion in Stellenbosch this morning, detailing the events leading up...
Mi Casa dazzle with multicultural performance The multicultural performance by popular South African band, Mi Casa, was the closing act for the Stellenbosch University centenary...
Departement Joernalistiek vier 40 jaar met boekbekendstelling Die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Departement Joernalistiek het gister sy 40ste bestaansjaar gevier met die bekendstelling van ’n gedenkpublikasie, Joernalistiek 4.0, by...
‘Nuwe’ HB Thom oop vir US Woordfees Sowat ’n jaar en ’n half nadat bouwerk aan die HB Thom Teater afgeskop het, is dit uiteindelik gereed...
OPINION: Maties on course for Varsity Cup title The Maties Varsity Cup team have one job this year: to win Varsity Cup 2018. The reality is that...
Van dominee tot Rock ‘n Roll: Agter die Woordfees-skerms met Danie Marais Op die ouderdom van tien het hy gedink hy sou ’n dominee word, maar min het Danie Marais, joernalis,...