Woordfees: Teaterstuk ‘Boesak’ ’n kreatiewe geskiedenisles Hoe bekend is jy met die anti-apartheidsaktivis Allan Aubrey Boesak? Die eenmanstuk Boesak vertel die verhaal en lewensreis van...
Woordfees: A new spin on the Stadsaal exhibition This year’s Stadsaal exhibition shifted its focus towards including more contemporary artworks in the catalogue. In previous years, the...
Woordfees: Diving deep into love’s turbulent waters Love is a finicky drug. In an intimate exploration of loss, love, and loneliness, i want to write you...
Woordfees: Goed wat wag om te gebeur –’n wipplank van emosies Dié teater is ’n spieël van die menslike siel. Dit is ’n ruimte waar ons die diepste en donkerste...
Woordfees: Journey into the mind of a devoted mother Who could love a child more than their own mother? Through life’s ever-changing seasons, there is one thing that...
Woordfees: Playing queer Dara Beth’s All My Ex-Lovers are Dead is a theatre piece that grapples with the authenticity of representation when...
Woordfees: Elke man se droom? ’n Netjiese vrou, sonder ’n haar uit plek uit, verwelkom elke aand ná werk haar man met ’n skoon...
Woordfees: Spoegwolf, a crowd favourite come rain or shine Spoegwolf’s Danie du Toit encouraged the audience to let go for the night and just focus on the moment....
Woordfees: Looking behind the bars, a Q&A with Romy Titus Through the powerful story of Morwesi Theledi’s daunting experience of giving birth during her seven years in prison, Born...
Woordfees: The limitations of Le Franc’s minimal dialogue Djibril Diop Mambéty’s Le Franc is a challenging cinematic experience due to its almost complete lack of dialogue. While...