Students question SU’s decision to cancel Palestine vigil Stellenbosch University’s (SU) recent decision to cancel a night vigil aimed at showing solidarity with Palestine, should be interrogated. ...
Maties FC clinch victory in 2023 Nedbank Cup final Maties Football Club (FC) won the 2023 ABC Motsepe Nedbank Cup final through a penalty shootout against First National...
Stormers maintain Stellenbosch record after URC victory The DHL Stormers won their first home fixture of the 2023/24 United Rugby Championship (URC) and maintained their unbeaten...
Stellenbosch homeless community lacks access to ablution facilities It is not a healthy situation to have no 24-hour public ablution facilities in Stellenbosch, said André Pelser, director...
’n Oneindigende soektog na ontvlugting Die eenmanstuk, Jessie, die man en die maan, is ’n aangrypende en emosionele toneelstuk wat die menslike psige diep...
Woordfees: Boeiende Oomblikke in Drie Kortfilms Temas van isolasie, herhaling, vasgevangenheid en die eenvoud van alledaagse roetines word in drie kortkortfilms aangespreek wat op vanjaar...
Woordfees: The forced removals of Die Vlakte Capturing an important part of South African history in twenty minutes is a rather impossible task. José Cardoso’s What...
Woordfees: Gees vir die (Woord)fees By Amy Cloete and Thameenah Daniels The Toyota SU Woordfees is an annual arts festival that takes place in...
Woordfees: ’n betowerende reis vol vriendskap en avontuur Ko’ laat o’s speel is ’n betowerende kinderproduksie wat beslis die harte van jonk en oud laat oopgaan. Met...
Captivating Tale explores missed Connections and destiny Under the creative direction of Johan Cronje, “The Day We Didn’t Meet” graced the screens of the Neelsie Cinema...