Woordfees: White victim mentality posing as satire? There are undeniable issues facing South Africa. Corruption plagues state-owned entities that have been run into the ground, the...
Geestesgesondheid in kollig by vanjaar se ‘Hope Hike’ Die stryd teen geestesgesonheidskwessies kan nie in isolasie beskou word nie – dit is ’n gesamentlike roeping vir ons...
Woordfees: How ‘The Animal – What a word!’ Gives voice to the voiceless A review of The Animal – What a word! by Wilma Cruise In her exhibition The Animal – What...
Woordfees: ‘Ver in die wêreld Kittie’ – ’n fees vir oud en jonk Ver in die wêreld Kittie is ’n musiekblyspel wat jou met ’n glimlag op jou gesig en ’n deuntjie...
Posters defiled after peaceful protest in support of Palestine Posters that were put up in Stellenbosch as part of a protest in solidarity with Palestine were vandalised and...
Woordfees: ’n Ander dimensie aan Dean Smith se Bettie Suidooster se Dean Smit bring ’n dieper dimensie aan sy bekende internetpersona, Bettie, tydens sy eenmanvertoning Hello, is Bettie...
Woordfees: Kortfilms skram nie weg van ernstige kwessies Óf dit nou hoërskool-ontgroening óf maandstonde voor ’n belangrike vergadering is, albei verbouereerde scenario’s sal jou karakter en deursettingsvermoë...
‘Devastating floods’ keep Jamestown cemetery closed for foreseeable future Burials at the Jamestown Cemetery in Stellenbosch have continued to stay on hold following recent flooding in the area. ...
Woordfees: “Bul” – ’n skouspel van kantoorpolitiek en emosie In die hart van die korporatiewe kantoor-omgewing, waar ambisie en intriges saamsmelt, ontvou Bul – ’n meesleurende blik op...
Woordfees: A standing ovation for Beethoven’s Triple Concerto The audience was able to leave their reality at the auditorium doors and allow their emotions to be guided...