Woordfees: ’n Ander dimensie aan Dean Smith se Bettie Suidooster se Dean Smit bring ’n dieper dimensie aan sy bekende internetpersona, Bettie, tydens sy eenmanvertoning Hello, is Bettie...
Woordfees: Kortfilms skram nie weg van ernstige kwessies Óf dit nou hoërskool-ontgroening óf maandstonde voor ’n belangrike vergadering is, albei verbouereerde scenario’s sal jou karakter en deursettingsvermoë...
‘Devastating floods’ keep Jamestown cemetery closed for foreseeable future Burials at the Jamestown Cemetery in Stellenbosch have continued to stay on hold following recent flooding in the area. ...
Woordfees: “Bul” – ’n skouspel van kantoorpolitiek en emosie In die hart van die korporatiewe kantoor-omgewing, waar ambisie en intriges saamsmelt, ontvou Bul – ’n meesleurende blik op...
Woordfees: A standing ovation for Beethoven’s Triple Concerto The audience was able to leave their reality at the auditorium doors and allow their emotions to be guided...
Woordfees: Masterful performances in Masterclass Sandra Prinsloo showcased her decades of stage expertise in Terrence McNally’s Tony Award-winning theatre production, Masterclass on 7 October...
Woordfees: The eerie brilliance of ‘The Woman Who Fed the Dogs’ Viewers are exposed to a haunting and thought-provoking play that delves into the darkest corners of human existence, examining...
Bywoning van Idasvallei-optog teen misdaad ‘teleurstellend’ Die aantal inwoners wat die tweede optog van die Idasvallei-komitee op 1 Oktober bygewoon het was “teleurstellend”, volgens Russell...
Local high school wins Rupert Museum art competition A local high school recently won an art competition following the Rupert Museum Heritage Month celebrations. This was according...
Nasionale ensemble-wenners beplan album met prysgeld Een van die wen-groepe van die jaarlikse Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se Nasionale Ensemble-kompetisie (SUNEC) is van plan om ’n...