Stellenbosch University student robbed at gunpoint A first-year Stellenbosch University student was robbed at gunpoint at the De Eike complex at 20:47 on 27 March....
Maties Esport captain places second at FIFA23 Community Tournament Dylan Rosser, the lead administrator of the event (left), and John Walenga, Maties Esports captain, after he placed second...
Voormalige US dramastudent wen gesogte teaterprys ’n Voormalige dramastudent aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), het die toekenning vir die mees belowende student by die 58ste...
Kazeli, Erve Bukasa among artists at local amapiano, hip-hop festival “Talk to Me Nice provides a unique festival and club-like experience for the students because we believe it’s not...
Sex testing discriminates against black women athletes Black women athletes have been unfairly targeted by discriminatory laws and practices implemented by athletics governing bodies. This is...
Maties vrouespan maak geskiedenis in Varsitybeker-wedstryd Maties Rugby se vrouespan het hul opponente in hul eerste wedstryd in Varsitybeker-reeks met 63-5 die loef afgesteek. Die...
SU experts develop software that gains unique insight into student data A group of data analysis experts at Stellenbosch University (SU) recently developed a comprehensive database to reduce the labour...
Maties troef Varsitybeker se verdedigende kampioene FNB Maties het op 20 Maart wraak geneem toe hulle FNB UP-Tuks – die verdedigende Varsitybeker-kampioene – met 46-35...
Historiese brug in Onder Papegaaiberg uiteindelik herbou ’n Herboude weergawe van ’n historiese brug in Onder Papegaaiberg is onlangs voltooi, en oopgestel vir voertuie. Dit is...
Former local headboy completes 24-hour Cape Town fundraiser triathlon “The heart behind the event will always be for the school and the children and families being reached by...