Geselligheid, gildes en pure geluk: Bordspeletjiekultuur in Suid-Afrika Dit sal moeilik wees om ’n Suid-Afrikaanse huis te vind waarin daar nie iewers ’n kleurvolle boks met borde,...
Instagram-besighede: Die nuwe generasie se handelsposte Klein en informele besighede speel ’n belangrike rol in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie omdat soveel mense daarop staatmaak om ’n...
SU students back Movember with local initiative Eight Stellenbosch University (SU) students started an initiative on 2 November to raise money and awareness around men’s mental...
Dance camp produces a new beat for local youth A Hip-hop dance camp was recently held in Stellenbosch, with the aim to equip local youth who may not...
Local business uses non-fungible tokens to support digital artists A local Stellenbosch business launched in October of this year, with the intent to empower creative talent and charity...
SU launched three pop-up Covid-19 vaccination sites Three pop-up Covid-19 vaccination sites (pop-up sites) were in operation at Stellenbosch University (SU). This is according to Dr...
Music event set to empower Kayamandi music A music event in Kayamandi, called the Maskandi Music, is set to go take place on 4 December with...
Stellenbosch empowerment initiative arrives on TV screens VIA (channel 147) on DSTV is currently broadcasting a documentary on a Stellenbosch mentorship programme, which ran from 2007...
SS ‘volbespreek’ vir eksamentyd ondanks Covid-19-uitdagings Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se studiesentrum (SS) volg ’n Covid-werkplekplan om die veiligheid van studente te verseker terwyl die...
Stellenbosch residents left in the dark with loadshedding Stellenbosch and Cloetesville residents were left confused when they experienced loadshedding outside of their scheduled times during the week...