Opwipvertonings in onkonvensionele ruimtes wag vir Stellenbosch Die Toyota US Woordfees-program (Woordfees) bied vanjaar, vanaf 6 tot 11 April, ʼn nuwe toevoeging tot die program aan...
Stellenbosch theatres lack business and funding Stellenbosch theatres are struggling to fill seats and generate revenue due to Covid-19 regulations. The Adam Small Theatre Complex,...
Local gallery continues to support SU students The Gallery of the University of Stellenbosch (GUS) is currently busy with its annual art exhibition fundraiser, which has...
Unmasking education: Financially supporting the Stellenbosch students An art installation put up in Stellenbosch during the hard lockdown last year resulted in R1.5 million in tuition...
Only the colour connoisseur knows Local artist, Portchie Viljoen, is an international sensation. His work is mostly known for his vibrant use of...
Plaaslike skrywer stel debuut-kinderboek bekend ’n Plaaslike skrywer het onlangs haar debuut-kinderboek bekendgestel, wat beoog om kinders oor omgewingskwessies op te voed. Dr Henriëtte...
Anomaly makes art accessible A new local family-owned art gallery seeks to make art accessible by creating an inviting space for the people...
Maties meesterstudent publiseer eerste roman ’n Student aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se eerste debuutroman is onlangs landswyd gepubliseer. Joha van Dyk (23), wat...
In 360°: Uncovering a hidden gem The garden consists of Lewis’ sculptures placed thoughtfully throughout the open fields. PHOTOS: Wilné van Rooyen Located between the...
’n Kuber-Kat van kaliber Met ’n selfoon in die een hand, en haar vrugbare verbeelding in die ander, het Katinka Oosthuizen vir haarself...