Unmasking education: Financially supporting the Stellenbosch students An art installation put up in Stellenbosch during the hard lockdown last year resulted in R1.5 million in tuition...
Recognising transgender and gender non-conforming students…officially The BeYou Initiative has given transgender and gender non-conforming students at Stellenbosch University (SU) the opportunity to change their...
Maties Rugby gears up to tackle Covid-safe Varsity Cup Maties Rugby announced that it will participate in the First National Bank (FNB) Varsity Cup, which will begin on...
A-klas energieverbruiksertifikaat net die begin vir volhoubaarheid by US Vyftig geboue sal vanjaar vir energieverbruik ge-oudit word as deel van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se poging om teen...
Stellenbosch University seeks alternatives to shutdown Xola Njengele, Chairperson of the SRC of Stellenbosch University, addressing students at a mass meeting on the Rooiplein regarding...
It won’t be Pulp anymore, but Neelsie’s cinema will stay Pulp Cinema, home to the Pulp Film Society and popular student hangout, will be renamed to the Neelsie Cinema...
Matieland Post Office reverses decision to discontinue Covid-19 grants The Matieland Post Office in the Neelsie Centre started paying out R350 Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grants...
Plaaslike skrywer stel debuut-kinderboek bekend ’n Plaaslike skrywer het onlangs haar debuut-kinderboek bekendgestel, wat beoog om kinders oor omgewingskwessies op te voed. Dr Henriëtte...
SU lecturer collaborates with NASA A lecturer and geologist at Stellenbosch University (SU) has been collaborating with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)...
PAC protesters hand over memorandum to Stellenbosch municipality Peaceful protesters gathered outside of Stellenbosch town hall on 28 October, following the handing over of a memorandum by...