’n Pleister vir die nerwe: Ou Hoofgebou kry nuwe baadjie
Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se Ou Hoofgebou word tans opgeknap as deel van ’n instandhoudingsroetine. Dit hou dus nie...
The Instagram page “Stellenbosch on Film”, started by Nina Kirsten, developed out of a coincidental lockdown hobby. This hobby has shaped the way Kirsten looks at the world, as well as at time. She captures everyday, transient moments in Stellenbosch on her film camera, to be kept for the next generation, just as her family did before her.
Despite the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, Stellenbosch University (SU) last year recorded its largest number of graduates ever.
Bloomingly brilliant: a flowering passion project