’n Oneindigende soektog na ontvlugting Die eenmanstuk, Jessie, die man en die maan, is ’n aangrypende en emosionele toneelstuk wat die menslike psige diep...
Woordfees: “Uit Volle Bosch” A night to remember – in photos Experience a night at the Woordfees Toyota Music Festival as if you were there. SMF News’ photojournalist Nicolas Adamy...
Woordfees: Teaterstuk ‘Boesak’ ’n kreatiewe geskiedenisles Hoe bekend is jy met die anti-apartheidsaktivis Allan Aubrey Boesak? Die eenmanstuk Boesak vertel die verhaal en lewensreis van...
Woordfees: How ‘The Animal – What a word!’ Gives voice to the voiceless A review of The Animal – What a word! by Wilma Cruise In her exhibition The Animal – What...
Maties Netball team defend district championship title The Maties women’s netball team successfully defended their title by winning the final of the Cape Winelands Super League...
SU science faculty makes physics accessible through discussion on black holes The physics department at Stellenbosch University (SU) attracted several dozen people to the department’s open day in August by...
Local farm hosts 100 people at Heritage Day braai Approximately 100 people recently got together at a local wine farm for a joint braai to celebrate Heritage Day....
Rugbywêreldbeker-geselskap bring US-alumni en wynliefhebbers bymekaar Die Rugbywêreldbeker het ’n groot rol te speel in die bevordering van sosiale samehorigheid. Dit is volgens Christélle Cronjé,...
Idas Valley community to unite in a silent protest against robberies A date for a silent protest against crime was agreed upon during a recent public meeting held in Idas...
SU students collaborate with NPO for honey bee conservation A Stellenbosch University (SU) society collaborated with a non-profit organisation (NPO) to launch a two-month fundraising initiative centred around...