Climate change is linked to serious human rights violations – SU professor
“The history of climate change is also a history of capitalism, colonialism and apartheid, of which all have been...
Mark Keeling has always been a passionate paddler but, after being retrenched from his work in April, he has had a phenomenal year in the sport, representing South Africa in three different paddling disciplines in events across the world.
Wendy Foden is a world-renowned climate biologist, and a fighter of climate change. Foden speaks to MatieMedia about eco-anxiety, and about sustainable habits for climate change researchers.
’n Bekende Stellenbosse kunstenaar het in Februarie vanjaar ’n gesogte toekenning ontvang wat hom in staat sal stel om ’n kunstenaarsverblyf op te neem waartydens hy op sy kuns kan uitbou.