VIRTUAL-REALITY: Biggest SU Leads ever hits Stellenbosch Over the past two days more than 1 300 students critically engaged with what it means to be a...
Nolene Conrad in the running for the 2020 Olympics A local athlete who has overcome severe asthma is now training to qualify for the 2020 Summer Olympics in...
Learning to live again after years of suicidal thoughts World Suicide Prevention Day comes around every year on 10 September. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), its...
Sanlam WOW Provinsiale Spelfees beklemtoon belangrikheid van taal en geletterdheid Na aanleiding van Internasionale Geletterdheidsdag op 8 September 2018, is die jaarlikse Sanlam WOW Provinsiale Spelfees Saterdag by die...
Think before you clink: Your guide to Stellenbosch’s latest whiskey bar “LIKE THE FOX, I RUN WITH THE HUNTED” – HANK Still want to impress your friends but have run...
Maties plaas kollig op gestremdheid tydens Loslitdag Studente en personeel aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het Vrydag op Loslitdag die klem geplaas op die bewusmaking van...
Stellenbosch Municipality steps up for Arbor Week In the spirit of Arbor Week, the Stellenbosch Municipality planted trees in a number of Stellenbosch communities this week....
Onderwysstudent verklap haar sakegeheime – sien alles op Chalk Talk Lara Terry, ’n nagraadse onderwysstudent, vertel hoe sy haar eie besigheid gestig en laat groei het – alles terwyl sy...
Skatepark to roll into Cloetesville! An amount of R750 000 was set aside for the building of a skatepark in the Stellenbosch CBD (Central...
SRC moves forward with Constitution amendment vote Voting on the amendments to the Stellenbosch University (SU) Student Constitution will close on 6 September as the Students’...