Puppy-selling syndicates now resorting to pickpocketing Following an incident reported by a Stellenbosch student about a puppy selling syndicate going around for years, aforementioned student...
Huis Russel Botman celebrates female empowerment Stellenbosch University’s senior residence, Huis Russel Botman, hosted a Women’s Day high tea brunch as a reminder that although...
Gloria Bosman prys US-Jazzorkes vir optrede tydens Vrouedagkonsert Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Jazzorkes het Woensdagaand hul langverwagte Vrouedagkonsert by die Endlersaal gehou wat opgedra is aan Nontsikelelo...
Tackling Rape Culture in a ‘Brave Space’ The crowd snaps their fingers and murmurs in agreement, “You are more likely to get expelled for plagiarism than...
PROFILE: Nicola Jo Bruns, an activist for smiles Shortly after returning from her second medical mission with Operation Smile, Nicola Jo Bruns sat down with Arleen Stone...
Clearing the air: Where you can and cannot smoke in Stellenbosch With only one day left for the public to comment on the new Draft Tobacco Control Bill, some Stellenbosch pubs...
The power of spirituality and meditation as told by SPYS “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.” These are the...
A closer look at science during National Science Week 2018 “Africa is not the dark continent. It is, in fact, the bright continent,” said Prof Mike Bruton, aquatic ecologist...
Madonsela did not answer all our questions at discourse café, students say Some audience members were left disappointed as they did not get time to ask questions after Former Public Protector,...
Active Citizenship is about respectful engagement “Our electoral system does not encourage active citizenship, because you vote for a party and they can just take...