Audience take over conversation at public debate on racism and human rights in Stellenbosch The voice of audience members dominated the discussion at a public debate on racism and human rights held at...
Jewish students concerned about Anti-Zionism Jewish students at Stellenbosch have expressed concern about movements on campuses that they perceive as being anti-Semitic. “Movements like...
‘The Fall’ produces tears and thoughtful questions for the Class of 2017 The Class of 2017 recently attended a performance of The Fall at Cloetesville High School as part of the...
Namibian students in Stellenbosch celebrate Independence Day 21 March is Human Rights day in South Africa, but few South Africans know that this day is also...
Spur stop burger-aanbod op Maandae Stellenbosch-inwoners is verbaas oor die nuus dat Spur se burger-aanbod op Maandae, waar kliënte twee burgers vir die prys...
DA wil veiligheid opskerp in Stellenbosch Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) het ’n petisie begin om druk op die regering te plaas om veiligheid in Stellenbosch...
Om graad te kry, kós! Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch spog met ʼn rekordgetal van 8339 grade vir 2016. Dié grade verwerf kos egter nie...
Stellenbosch student is the first to receive a doctorate for biltong-making research Maxine Jones (27) from Cape Town received a unique honour this week by becoming the first person to graduate...
Never to be silenced again A large crowd walked the streets of Stellenbosch on Wednesday in a “slut walk” organised by the Metanoia residence...
Lack of Inclusivity at Gay Pride Cape Town’s Gay Pride parade hit the streets of Green Point on Saturday afternoon, much to the delight of...