SRC provides platform to discuss imposter syndrome Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon in which individuals have doubt in their own capacities and skills, despite the fact...
Local NPOs strive to adapt to ongoing lockdown pressures The local partners of a national non-profit organisation (NPO) are currently assisting with a stationery drive that is intended...
Covid-19 variant discovered in SA in May not cause for concern The findings of a range of tests and analyses conducted on the latest Covid-19 variant, C.1.2, were recently released....
SU SRC member resigns after election controversy A member of Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Student Representative Council (SRC) for 2021/2022 has decided to terminate his candidacy. This...
NOU TE SIENE: Afrikaans lyk anders op almal ’n Verkenning van die verskillende sprekers, uitdagings en toekoms van Afrikaans. Die Afrikaanse taal het ontstaan uit ʼn mengelmoes...
Stellenbosch landscape architect flourishes at international festival A landscape architect intern at Stellenbosch University’s Botanical Garden (SUBG), and her teammates, are currently showcasing their garden design...
Youth programme provides practical hospitality training Stellenbosch Municipality will soon be running its next hospitality training programme, with the aim of tackling the high unemployment...
SU’s additional examination opportunity takes place amid confusion The additional examination opportunity (A4 assessments) provided by Stellenbosch University (SU) caused some confusion among students, due to a...
Two further suspects implicated in deputy mayor murder trial Two suspects have been added to the pre-trial proceedings for Stellenbosch Municipality’s deputy mayor, in relation to the murder...
Complex for black-owned wine brands under construction in Stellenbosch A wine tasting and cellar complex in Stellenbosch is currently being renovated to become a first-of-its-kind home for black-owned...