Volksblad: From papers to clicks Very few things beat the feeling of opening a freshly-printed newspaper in the morning. This was according to Belinda...
The George Herald: Informing the masses for over a century The George Herald (GH), a 152-year-old news conglomerate, has had to change the structure of its newspaper to accommodate...
Grabouw-grondkwessie ontaard in menseregtekwessie Die Menseregtekommissie (MRK) sal eersdaags ondersoek instel na beweerde menseregteskendings deur die Grabouw Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) teenoor ’n groep...
How a community newspaper served Mitchell’s Plain despite pandemic Hyperlocal community newspapers became more important during the Covid-19 pandemic, because of their localising of national news and global...
It’s about striking a balance – Eikestadnuus editor on the battle between print and digital With the rapid growth and evolution of digital news media over the last few years, Eikestadnuus had to adapt...
On the border between biomes The African landscape is a confluence of organic colours, enduring textures and bold shapes. For Leon Kluge, a prominent...
Om die goeie in die nuus te vind “As daar nie goeie nuus was nie, dan het ons die goeie in die nuus gevind.” Dít, volgens Hedda...
Film project focuses on sexual and reproductive health among adolescents The production of a film that forms part of a prevention project for adolescent pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)...
SU policy aims to manage substance use on campus The responsible use of substances was at the top of Stellenbosch University’s (SU) list of priorities when a draft...
Maties athletes aim to qualify for the Olympics Justine Palframan represented Maties Sport at a University Sports South Africa (USSA) event in 2021. PHOTO: Supplied/Trevlyn Palframan A...