SU medical students are paying it forward Students from Stellenbosch University’s (SU) medical campus are assisting with the distribution of care packages, called love boxes, to...
De Lille ontmoet met Grabouw Khoisan Raad oor grondkwessie ’n Hofbevel teen die Grabouw Khoisan Raad , wat tans aanspraak maak op ’n stuk grond in die Overberg,...
Premier Alan Winde participates in local vaccination registration initiative The premier of the Western Cape recently participated in a Covid-19 vaccination registration initiative for people 60 years and...
Arts community holds breath over format of this year’s Woordfees The possibility of a third wave of Covid-19 in South Africa has added to the uncertainty surrounding the format...
Masks on: A possible third wave approaches The Cape Winelands area is currently experiencing an increase in Covid-19 cases, which could be indicative of a coming...
Activist group holds silent protest for Afrikaans solidarity A local activist group recently held a silent protest outside the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) Wallenberg Research...
SU students aim to spread the word A book drive was recently launched by students of Stellenbosch University (SU) with the intention of donating unused reading...
WAT wil ál Afrikaans se ‘masekinnes’ huisves Deel XVI (16) van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT) is onlangs aanlyn bekendgestel met die herdenking van...
Stellenbosch local swims against the tide for mental health A Stellenbosch local recently completed a ‘freedom swim’ from Robben Island to Bloubergstrand in order to raise funds for...
Stellenbosch Municipality assists Ida’s Valley residents to become homeowners A group of Ida’s Valley residents officially became homeowners after receiving their title deeds from the Stellenbosch Municipality at...