Maties’ own cinephile Who at Stellenbosch University hasn’t heard of the Pulp movie theatre? A space to relax between classes, the perfect...
’n Kuber-Kat van kaliber Met ’n selfoon in die een hand, en haar vrugbare verbeelding in die ander, het Katinka Oosthuizen vir haarself...
Support Stellenbosch campaign aimed at economic recovery Visit Stellenbosch is launching a new campaign in efforts to kick-start the local economy and encourage the support of...
ʼn Droom word nou ʼn realiteit Enrico Hartzenberg is die skrywer en vervaardiger van die gewilde Engelse YouTube-reeds, Van Adamse, wat in 2019 vrygestel is....
“Giraffe lady” spends Spring Day at the Giraffe House The annual Spring Day celebration, hosted by The Giraffe House Wildlife Awareness Centre in Stellenbosch, could not invite local...
Prof Christoffels on fish, flies and decoding Covid-19 During his studies, prof Alan Christoffels knew it was important to prioritise what he is passionate about. He speaks...
Beyers bou brûe Taal word meestal beskou as ’n versperring tussen verskillende kulture, maar Pietie Beyers glo dat dit brûe en middeweë...
Decades of research stolen during break-in at SU’s Department of Biochemistry Stellenbosch SAPS is currently investigating a break-in at Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Department of Biochemistry, during the evening of 30...
The Incidental Author In Stellenbosch, a few figures are regularly discussed by first name among people they have never actually met. One...
Stellenbosch University gets electricity savvy during lockdown Measures taken by Stellenbosch University (SU) during lockdown, reduced the amount of electricity required by an additional 16%, relative...