Local farm hosts 100 people at Heritage Day braai
Approximately 100 people recently got together at a local wine farm for a joint braai to celebrate Heritage Day....
There are very few creatures who have captured the human imagination in the way whales do. But despite their enormous size, their biggest threat to their survival continues to be human activity. The South African coast has seen many whale entanglements over the past years leading to risky rescue missions by disentanglement professionals.
upporters of Operation Dudula recently held a peaceful protest in Stellenbosch, during which they handed over a memorandum to 12 local businesses.
’n Bekende Stellenbosse kunstenaar het in Februarie vanjaar ’n gesogte toekenning ontvang wat hom in staat sal stel om ’n kunstenaarsverblyf op te neem waartydens hy op sy kuns kan uitbou.