Madam & Eve cartoon still making waves – this time online For media houses and publications, the online environment means increased pressure to react quickly to what is going on...
Suna Venter se nalatenskap leef voort Die skrywer, Quinton Adams, het tydens die Suna Venter-gedenklesing by die Toyota US Woordfees 2020, op 9 Maart in...
Poppie Nongena, a bridge between audience and the past The South African film, Poppie Nongena, which screened at Pulp Cinema as part of Toyota US Woordfees, prompted a...
Nuwe teaterstuk ’n spieël vir millenniërs Millenniërs kan hulself aanskou in die nuwe toneelstuk, Medium-Rare: Lirieke vir Jamie en Danny, wat tans by die Toyota...
Kanna hy kô hystoe, want Adam Small is hier Die produksie Die poet, wie’s hy?, wat handel oor die lewe en werk van skrywer-digter Adam Small wat vanjaar...
The first Band Or Bust puts spotlight on unsigned talent The band, BrotherBrother, walked home with the first Band or Bust grand prize, hosted by the Toyota US Woordfees...
Woordfees parking woes, as the festival expects 80 000 Stellenbosch University (SU) students and staff who have been allocated paid parking behind the SU Museum and in Ryneveld...
Brett Bailey Presents, Samson Award-winning director Brett Bailey features his latest production, Samson, at the 2019 edition of the Woordfees in Stellenbosch which...
Woordfees production portrays lustful Palestinian and Israeli affair “Is he Jewish or Arab?” is a question that echoes throughout The Reports on Sarah and Saleem. Inspired by...
Heerlike ‘20/20 – met ’n kelkie’ toe sonder ’n kelkie 20/20 – met ’n kelkie was ’n fees vir beide die oor én oog. Die betrokkenes kan hulself ’n...