Stellenbosch Public Library closes doors for six-month renovation project

The Stellenbosch Public Library in Plein Street is due to close for a period of six months in order for renovations to take place. 

This was confirmed by Sarala Majudith, the manager of libraries, who said that Plein Street’s library will be completely inaccessible to the public during this period. The library will be closed from 1 March.

“It’s an upgrade where we can’t have anybody, just the builders,” said Majudith. “It’s totally closed.”

Stellenbosch Public Library on Plein Street will close for renovations on 1 March. PHOTO: Reid Donson

Majudith could not share details of the renovation. 

Renovations should be completed by late August or September, she said.

Posters around the library encourage residents to make use of libraries in the surrounding areas for the time being, such as Cloetesville and Ida’s Valley. However, library users who spoke to SMF News said that transport is an issue.

One of the many posters around Stellenbosch Public Library announcing its closure and which other libraries residents should make use of. PHOTO: Reid Donson

“It’s out of reach,” said Franco Pietersen, a matriculant who studies at Stellenzicht Secondary School in Jamestown. “We are in need of more libraries here, so they could’ve at least given us an easier place to get to without having to travel with two taxis. It’s a huge thing that is going to corrupt our studying. It’s not right.”

“If you go to [the library in] Ida’s Valley, there’s no taxi. But if you come [to Stellenbosch Public Library], you can go home with a taxi,” said Jacques Daniels, who frequents the library and was previously unaware the library was closing.

Jacques Daniels, who often uses the Stellenbosch Public Library to prepare for his evening Bible study. PHOTO: Reid Donson

Librarians currently working at Stellenbosch Public Library will be relocated to different libraries for the duration of the renovation. SMF News confirmed this with Thobeka Stokwe, an assistant librarian, who celebrated her 20th year as a librarian on 1 January this year.

“At the moment, we are not aware of where we are going,” said Stokwe when asked which library she will work at while Stellenbosch Public Library is closed.

“Sometimes [the municipality sends] us closer to where we are staying,” said Stokwe. “Maybe they can send me to Kayamandi.”

Despite needing to move to a different workplace, Stokwe is looking forward to what the renovation could bring.

“I am excited that the library [will] look different,” said Stokwe. “It’s been like this for ages. We need change.”

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