Burglar bars were pried from the wooden window frame with a knife before being leveraged to allow for the intruders to pass inside the building, according to Elizabeth Newman, administrative secretary at the department. PHOTO: Byron Latham.
One person is currently in custody in connection with a break-in at Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Department of Journalism, during the morning of 31 July.

The damaged burglar bars were pried open using the wooden post below them, once the joints had been separated from the window frame with the knife. Campus Security discusses the details of the break-in with Elizabeth Newman, the administrative secretary, in the background. PHOTO: Byron Latham.
“The university is pleased to learn that a man was apprehended by Campus Security at the scene and handed over to the SAPS in connection with a break-in at the Department of Journalism this morning. The suspect is in custody and the SAPS investigation is continuing,” said Martin Viljoen, SU spokesperson.
It could not be confirmed how many individuals were involved in the break-in.

Stellenbosch SAPS forensic services at work searching for fingerprints in the department. PHOTOS: Byron Latham.
Entry was gained through a window of the master’s student hub, on the ground floor of the building, by bending out burglar bars attached to the wooden window frame.

The damaged bars as seen from inside the department. Once gaining access, the intruders scaled over a computer desk into the building. PHOTO: Byron Latham.
According to Elizabeth Newman, the administrative secretary at the department, Campus Security arrived on the scene at 6:24.

PHOTO: Byron Latham
Newman said that two computers were stolen, as well as department clothing that was intended for 2019’s class.
“This place is like my home,” Newman said, upset that the building where she works, was broken into.
The clothing that was stolen, was kept in the master’s students’ hub by Newman and was intended as a surprise for the class of 2019, who have since graduated.

Elizabeth Newman,the administrative secretary, showing where the masters students’ surprise hoodies were rifled through. Newman is affectionately known as “the mother of the department” by the students. PHOTO: Byron Latham.
Stellenbosch SAPS were not able to respond to MatieMedia at the time of publication.

PHOTO: Byron Latham
*Please note: MatieMedia is independently produced by the honours class at the department.