A suspect arrested during a drug bust in Kayamandi recently, is set to appear in the Stellenbosch Magistrate’s Court on 23 February, according to the court roll.
The arrest happened on 16 February after Stellenbosch Municipality’s Municipal Control Room (MCR) received a tip-off about possible drug dealing near the Kayamandi Taxi Rank, Stuart Grobbelaar, communications manager at Stellenbosch Municipality, told MatieMedia via email correspondence.
Captain Nathalie Martin, communications officer at Stellenbosch South African Police Service (SAPS), confirmed the arrest.

A suspected drug dealer was arrested near the Kayamandi Taxi Rank, captain Nathalie Martin, communications officer at Stellenbosch South African Police Service (SAPS). PHOTO: Facebook/Stellenbosch Municipality
Caught red-handed
Following the tip-off, the MCR “monitored the area through CCTV cameras and it was quickly established that illegal activities were indeed taking place”, said Grobbelaar.
The MCR then contacted SAPS, who were immediately sent to the scene of the crime, he said.
“Upon arrival, the suspect was caught red-handed with a large amount of tik in his possession,” Grobbelaar added.
Seven bankies of tik and large amounts of cash were found in the suspect’s possession, stated Martin.
“A case of illegal drug dealing was opened against him,” said Martin. “The arrest of the suspect is seen as a successful breakthrough in stopping drug sales in our communities.”

Kayamandi is adjacent to the R304. PHOTO: Kara van der Merwe
24-hour coverage
The MCR ensures 24-hour coverage to combat crime, explained Grobbelaar.
“The Stellenbosch Municipality’s CCTV Control Room is definitely the future and again that was proved last week,” said Sipho Madolo, project manager at Songo.info, a Kayamandi-based social development programme. “This security system is definitely bringing hope to our people and making the engagement between the Stellenbosch Municipality control room, SAPS and people smoother. We just have to use this to our advantage and work together to keep the community clean.”
“It’s important to keep Kayamandi drug-free because drugs are the reason for the increase in crime every year, school drop-outs and vandalism,” claimed Madolo.

A suspected drug dealer was arrested near the Kayamandi Taxi Rank following a tip-off, said Stuart Grobbelaar, communications manager at Stellenbosch Municipality. PHOTO: Kara van der Merwe